25 marzo 2016

Blog Hop Amantes del Café ¿quieres otra taza?

Tenía otro freebie ofrecido por Craftin Desert Divas para el Blog Hop de los Amantes del Café (Spring Coffee Lovers Blog Hop).

Me he puesto manos a la obra y, con mis lápices acuarelables, he pintado esta simpática ratoncita dentro de su taza azul.

19 comentarios:

  1. I absolutely love this cute card! You do beautiful work. Love that pretty little mouse sitting in a pretty cup!

  2. Such a sweet card, and great coloring.

  3. Super cute, that little mouse is so fun.

  4. So cute! Love the blues in this... so bright and cheerful!

  5. Such a sweet card, Maria! Happy ending to a wonderful Hop! Enjoyed it a lot!

  6. Very sweet card. Have a Happy Easter.

  7. What a cute card, love how you colored the cup!

  8. CUTE card :)
    LOVE your adorable mouse and pretty colours!!!

  9. How absolutely adorable! Love the bright blue you've used on this card!


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